Yoga with Aviva – Enter the breath, become present, and flow through classic yoga asanas (postures). Relish the time on your mat and absorb the many benefits a yoga practice can offer.

Rise & Shine Yoga – Begin your day setting your intentions and awakening your body in ways that will ripple out positively throughout the rest of your day.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra literally means yogic sleep. It is an ancient technique where the practitioner enters the deep states of conscious relaxation. It is a systematic practice of moving awareness from our external world to the inner world. We will enter a calming state for the mind and body through guided meditation. The practice creates physical and mental activities that change brain waves to release emotional tension, slow down the nervous system, and allow muscles to relax.

 Yoga Sanctuary 

Rooted in classical yoga, this class encompasses the asana, pranayama, and pratyahara limbs of yoga. Enjoy this time to deeply connect to your spirit and soul, perfect as you are.

Autumn is Calling

Yoga, Cacao, and Sound Bath Offering

We’ll first prepare our bodies for deep relaxation with 45 minutes of movement and breath practices to steady the mind and draw our focus inward.

Postures will be appropriate for all participants of all ages. We provide you with all the yoga props. If you wish to bring your own, you are welcome to do so.

We’ll shift to experience a Cacao ceremony led by Kim Aspelund. Cacao is very high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. It is known as a heart opener allowing hearts to open and experience deeper levels of emotional healing and self discovery.

During a cacao ceremony, engage in setting intentions, inspire new ideas, creativity, focus and find solutions to personal challenges.

Engaging all your senses, Cacao helps to ground and balance providing a sense of stability and a deeper meditation practice.

We’ll finish our time together with a Sound Bath with Kim Aspelund where you’ll experience sounds that are created using different instruments. The goal is to help you enter into a deep place of relaxation. The sounds help slow down your brain waves making it very easy for you to fall into a meditative state. This is a time for relaxation and a place for your heart to open and receive exactly what you seek and a time to let things go that do not serve your body, mind, or spirit well.

Meet Kim Aspelund

Sound Bath Practitioner

Alaska Traditional Plant Educator

Holistic Health Educator

Yoga Instructor

I was born and raised in Cordova, Alaska a small commercial fishing town with no road in or out of it. The only way to get in or out is by airplane or boat. Some say it is the most beautiful place on earth and some say the very best Wild Alaskan Salmon come out of Cordova.

I am proud to say I am Alaska Native and culture and traditions are an important part of my life. My mother, Irene Webber was Alutiiq from Ellamar and my Father is Tlingit from Katella. Both Ellamar and Katella are small villages in Alaska. We are also Eyak Native.

I have worked in Health Education, Holistic Health, and Traditional Healing. I have been blessed to have been an apprentice under Dr. Rita Blumenstein; our very first Alaska Native Tribal Doctor and studied under her to learn and teach about our Alaskan plants and how to use them for foods and medicines.

I am a certified 200-yoga instructor, group exercise instructor. I studied many modalities of care; Healing Touch, Polarity, Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Reflexology and recently found Sound Bath Meditation to make a powerful impact to wellness.

This modality of self care can gently restore the body to its natural balance and bring a beautiful sense of refreshment back into life. I completed my sound bath training in California with the most wonderful teacher; Isabella Rivera and honor the knowledge she passed on to me. I also want to acknowledge the beautiful instruments I have learned to play to create a harmonious sound journey.

Sound Bath Meditation makes me feel calm and restored. It brings out my emotions and makes me feel whole and physically, mentally and spirituall, balanced and restored.

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved being in the woods. Teaching about plants is my passion. Finding ways to wellness is my joy.

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